Sun, Dec 17, 2023 3.18PM EST
This time last year I made a post called, "Some Fun Facts About The Audience Of Obsidian Radio (& The Wider Black Manosphere)"(1) which gave some interesting and little known insights into exactly who the rank and file listener and supporter in my audience actually was (and which I'll likely repost in tandem with this current one for the interest of readers). Since then some very interesting things have happened that have caused me to revisit this topic.
First, was the publication of "The Book of Obsidian: The Ladies Edition"(2) which actually came out in the spring of last year, but as is often the case in the book business, it can take awhile for things to catch on, especially such a "tell it like it really is" book that aims to red pill the lovely ladies.
That brings me to a recent conversation over on Clubhouse, where I've been kinda holding forth for the past calendar year. I had a very interesting conversation with a lady who, after hearing me give a summary of the very first chapter of "The Book of Obsidian: The Ladies Edition", wanted to get my thoughts on the Black Manosphere itself. Please allow me to explain.
The aforementioned first chapter is called, "The Formula" and it lays out exactly what I have coined the Black Love Machine is, how it works and why; among other things, my study and research have led me to the conclusion that telling the lovely ladies what they want to hear not only is hugely lucrative, but that they are so predictable that you can format the entire enterprise down into a science - a formula - hence the title of said chapter. I started out the book this way because I knew that many ladies - like the one I was chatting with on Clubhouse recently - wouldn't have any idea what was going on. So clueless so many Black women are of their own drives, tastes and desires, huh? Hmmm.
You can go and read the whole thing for yourself - the chapter is roughly 2500 words long - but in a nutshell, here is the formula if you want to do well in the Black Love business:
1. Be a Black Male: Black women by and large really don't want to take love, dating, relationship and sex advice from other Black women, which explains how and why there are precious few Black women Black Love gurus who are making any real coin out there.
2. Be handsome (which includes at least average height, if not tall), buff & stylish - preferably all three: It's no accident that you're not likely to find many cuddly teddy bear guys, Kevin Harts or Donald Glover types in the Black love business. When the lovely ladies are talking about "body positivity" they do NOT include Black men (they obviously mean it for themselves), and they ESPECIALLY DON'T MEAN IT FOR their Black Love Gurus. In fact, this part of the formula is so boilerplate and, well, formulaic, that if you take any amount of time to study these guys, what they all have in common is that they spend in inordinate amount of time in the gym lifting lots of heavy weights, because that's what turns the lovely ladies on the most (I even devote an entire chapter to this in "The Book of Obsidian: The Ladies Edition" called, "The Select F*ckboy Paradox") - not much room for "diversity" like long distance running, crossfit, kayaking, yoga or pilates, just to name a few. The ladies like that Jailhouse Bod look (complete with lots of ink), full stop.
3. Be very charismatic: Here, the old urban saw about "having a moufpiece" definitely comes into play, and these guys that I'm talking about (Tony Gaskins, Derrick Jaxn, Ace Metaphor, you get the idea if you want me to put some names on it) tend to be very good public speakers - but that's only one half of the "moufpiece" - the other is...
4. You must tell the lovely ladies what they want to hear: This means never suggesting that anything is ever their fault; this also includes, for example, mentioning anything about their weight or appearance. Indeed, you're supposed to act as if you don't notice such things at all; to bring it up or even hint at it, and the role it likely will have played in her Black Love Woes, runs the risk of breaking the spell and even having her and the rest of the multitude turn on you.
5. And finally - and I saved this one for last - you must have had A LOT of experience with Black women: In other words, you were a F*ckboy. A Black Love Guru doesn't have a heck of a lot of credibility if he's obviously struggled with attracting or keeping a Black woman in a romantic and/or strictly sexual relationship; moreover, the MORE Black women you've had such relationships with the better, and ESPECIALLY if they were of a "toxic" sort. Now, here comes the twist - you have to be a "reformed" f*ckboy. You see, nothing attracts the lovely ladies like catnip more than a brother who's been dogging out the ladies left and right, but who has had his on the road to Damascus epiphany and has changed his way - even better, he is now atoning for his past sins by "hipping (Black) women to the game" that other bros like his former self are still doing out here.
As I say in the book, I gotta hand it to these brothers for finding what works; indeed, in a post-interview report I put up over on the Black Manosphere Conclave last month, I give my candid thoughts about my nearly three-hour conversation with Ace Metaphor(3), and I implore my readers to head on over there and give it the time it deserves for a close and careful read. To be frank, there are a few things we here in the Black Manosphere could stand to learn from it.
That brings me to the point of this post - and back to my Clubhouse conversation with the inquisitive lady I mentioned earlier. After hearing me lay out the formula for the Black Love Gurus, she then asked, what was the formula for a Black Manospherian? I had to admit that I had never gave the matter much thought, but after thinking on the matter for a bit while everyone else chimed in, I came up with the following on the fly:
1. You had to have had some trouble with Black women in romantic and/or sexual relationships: Part of the appeal of the Black Manosphere is that it runs counter to conventional wisdom in Black American life - that all Black men are number one with a bullet with the ladies. Admitting that you're not, or that you're you know, only human, runs the serious risk of calling your very personhood as a Black man in question. There have been all kinds of thoughts and theories on the origins of this ridiculous worldview, but I won't bore you with those, they're easy to find enough if you really want to know. The point here is that there's a reason why the Black Manosphere doesn't tend to attract lots of conventional f*ckboys, and that in no way detracts from the legitimacy of our cause - no matter how hard aforementioned f*ckboys or the ladies who can't get enough of them they try.
2. You're typically single: Nothing new here when a clear majority of Black men and Black women alike have never been married - but what is often not taken into account when the Black Manosphere is brought up and talked about, is the fact that a good percentage of its rank and file have either been divorced or widowed - now put THAT in your pipe and smoke it.
3. You're highly likely to be educated or skilled: In other words, you're either a white collar professional, or you're a blue collar skilled tradesman. This is hugely important, due to the egregiously wrong headed stereotype of the Black Manospherian being a neckbearded, slovenly and overweight loser living in his mom's basement playing video games all day. The truth is that brothers who are drawn to the Black Manosphere are very likely to be educated and/or skilled - which leads me to the next point...
4. You're highly likely to outearn the Average White Guy: This is hugely important due to so many Black women online demanding of us Black Manospherians that we would be better served "competing against White men than talking about Black women" - well, as I noted this time last year, the rank and file Black Manosphere Guy pulls in something north of $70K USD a year (take home, and I know for a fact that quite a few in my audience are clearing serious six figure money) - depending on the age range we're talking about here, that's substantially more than what the rank and file White guy is pulling in, so we can kindly move on from this nothing burger excuse of a talking point on the part of the lovely ladies. While we're at it, we can also now toss the whole "Dusty" moniker onto the dustbin of history, thanks to the lovely ladies using and abusing and overusing the term to the point it has lost all utility, meaning and potency. This is due to far too many Black women's inability to find the words with which to communicate their disagreement with Black men who merely oppose their tripe and their refusal to admit that much of their interactions with Black men for better or for worse falls along a "like/dislike" axis and precious little more, NOT that said Black men are competent/incompetent or productive/unproductive - the latter two words that fall in line with "dusty"'s original meaning in the first place. (And do we REALLY need to mention the irony of the same ladies demanding that we compete with Mr. Charlie have made it their one mission in life as to how and why it's "not fair" to ask or even suggest that they keep pace with Ms. Ann? Whew!)
5. You're also very likely to have served in the military, or are still serving right now: An unusually high percentage of Black Manospherians are deeply patriotic, who knew right? And given that today's military is a lot more skills based and I.Q.-driven than in the past, it can also be said that a lot of bros in the space are smarter than the average bear - tell me honestly, does this list thus far sound like a bunch of "losers" to you?
6. You're likely to lean center-right sociopolitically: No surprise here, especially since the Black Manosphere seems to be on the bleeding edge of what the Democrat Party themselves has admitted to an increasing number of Black men leaning GOP for quite some time now. You tend to be in favor of free markets, freedom of speech and association, traditional (read: Patriarchal) family values, see some semblance of God to be a good thing for a community and society even if you're not particularly religious yourself, tend to be in favor of traditional gender roles in the home and society in that order (more or less), and you're a firm believer in the Second Amendment right to defend oneself, loved ones and property. Indeed, you see many of the daily things (read: Problems) the Black Manosphere discusses - which let's face it, have a lot to do with Black women - to be either directly or indirectly the result of left of center Democrat Party policies dating back to the 1960s.
7. You're likely to be somewhere between your mid-30s to mid-50s, on average: Again, no big shock since the fat part of the Black Love Guru's market are Black women in roughly the same age range. This is also important to point out due to the perception that the Manosphere, White, Black or otherwise, caters to a largely younger demographic - you know, the "frat boy" crowd of college aged guys. Thanks, Andrew Tate and Fresh & Fit!
8. You're highly likely to both possess AND use a passport: Yet another of the hottest topics going online these days, are the "Passport Bros" - typically middle aged Black men who have the means and wherewithal to be able to leave the country - some for a weekend, others for a month and still others for longer than that. An increasing number are moving overseas altogether, tired of the daily grind of "da communitah" - and yes, that would include the lovely ladies in it. Once again the nonsense about "dusty" this and that falls flat, because the fact of the matter is that you've got to have some coins to rub together in order to get and frequently use a passport. The Black Manosphere is vastly overrepresented among Black men who are active passport holders, even more so because we tend to be very outspoken in this regard, something else that runs counter to the prevailing wisdom that, even now at this late date in the 21st century, that "real" Black men are the "strong and silent" type. The lovely ladies will just have to get used to sharing the public square now.
9. You're more likely to either BE married, BE in a long term relationship, or the very least WANT to be married or in a long term relationship: All of which again, runs completely counter to claims that the bulk and mass of the Passport Bros, for example, are merely "tricking" along a sex tourism axis (yet another irony, since we KNOW that the "Passport Stellas" have been doing exactly the same thing going back to at least the time of "How Stella Got Her Groove Back" in the latter 1990s!)(4). In truth though, a high percentage of such brothers either have wives from overseas or significant others; we thinks the ladies doth project too much on this one. Same again with the stats - a survey conducted a decade ago by National Public Radio(5) found that while nearly half of all single and childless Black men desired to be married or in a relationship, only a quarter of single and childless Black women did - which again, runs counter to the claims by the lovely ladies that "Black men don't want to commit" - no, it's the Black men THAT YOU WANT, that don't want to commit. Fixed that for ya.
After I laid all of these facts out to the Clubhouse crowd, I got a lot of crickets in response, so much it fell outside of the imaginary talking points so many of these ladies and a not insignificant number of uninitiated Black men had about our number. It was such a great conversation that I had to document it in a post all its own, and if you know me, it'll likely wind up in a book or two in the not too distant future, too!
1. "Some Fun Facts About The Audience Of Obsidian Radio (& The Wider Black Manosphere)"
2. "The Book of Obsidian: The Ladies Edition" available wherever fine books are sold - better yet, why not get an autographed copy from me? Just send in $50 USD to my CashApp $ObsidianRadio and please don't forget the name you want me to sign the book out to and a mailing address and it's yours!
3. "Afterwords: Thoughts On My Interview With Ace Metaphor"
4. "The Pursuit of Happiness: Black Women, Diasporic Dreams, and the Politics of Emotional Transnationalism"
5. "So Single Black Men Want Commitment. Really?"
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1 comment
This was a good read. Countering the narratives that people push with truth feels good. I’m on the younger end of your audience, but I find myself fitting that formula more each day.