9:10 AM 12/26/2024 Thu
I've never written a holiday letter before!--so this ought to be good. By the way, for those who don't know because I'm not even sure if people even write and mail (or send via email and social media) them anymore, a holiday letter is an end of the year letter that you write to your family and friends as to what happened to you and what you got accomplished in the year nearly gone by. It's a time of updates and achievements; holiday letters are meant to be upbeat and positive, since they are written, read, sent and received during the holiday season - from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day or thereabouts. Most tend to send out holiday letters around Christmastime, which explains why another name for holiday letters is, yup you guessed it, Christmas letters, LOL.
Alright, so where to begin - especially in light of this letter's title, describing a loss for me (written in the third person)? Wouldn't that violate the holiday or Christmastime letter protocol? I don't think so, and I think you'll agree by the time I'm done, so hear me out.
So without further ado, let's get right to the main event: The loss of my YouTube channel at the hands of my arch-nemesis, one Ms. Kimberly Nicole Foster, of "For Harriet" fame. Foster is one of a number of Modern Black Feminists who have found a degree of renown by way of social media beginning in the 2010s, although she along with others have been holding on to whatever relevance they can squeeze out of things - especially in light of last month's historic elections, as again, the title of this letter above speaks to. More on that below, but the bottom line here is that after roughly a year of my being able to make more headway talking about her on my channel on YouTube than she could talking about herself on the same platform, she was able to successfully have me removed from it earlier this year. Just so that we're clear, the official reason for my removal from YouTube was due to a combination of "copyright violations" - in other words, I had used footage of Foster's very boring livestreams in my own live shows - as well as my use of p*rn*graphic material. Color me guilty as charged!--and if you want to know exactly what I did to merit me being on the YouTube Disavowed List, I invite you to checkout my Rumble channel so you can see and hear everything for yourself and you can come to your own conclusions. I can't post links here since Facebook doesn't want you to click away, so when you get done reading my Xmas letter here, simply head on over to Rumble and type in my name and Foster's and you'll see everything come up - I'm so very glad that I've backed all of my greatest hits so they could be easily uploaded elsewhere.
Also, if you want to know how the whole thing got started between Foster and me, it's all laid out in writing - 472 pages' worth in print(!) - in my latest book, "Toxic Femininity: The Blackman's Guide to Modern Black Feminism", now available wherever fine books are sold! I've always prided myself on seeing the big(ger) picture, a major shortcoming on Foster's part that I even informed her about when she regularly spammed up my YouTube channel's community tab page, but I excel at taking life's lemons and making some really sweet lemonade out of them. "Toxic Femininity", a book that I hadn't even thought about writing before the fall of 2023, came about as a direct result of Ms. Foster - so she is the one that I have to thank for my third book to date in three years and my second number one bestseller on Amazon - in fact, "Toxic Femininity" even did one better than my first number one bestselling "The Book of Obsidian: A Manual for the 21st Century Black American Gentleman", by debuting at the number one spot in Amazon's "Feminist Theory" category. Talk about capturing the flag! I don't know about you, but I can't help but notice the sweet irony that a founding father of the Black Manosphere wrote a number one bestselling book about (Modern Black) Feminism, inspired by a beef with - wait for it - a Modern Black Feminist. Gotta love it!
Anyway, I have roughly a dozen or so chapters in "Toxic Femininity" devoted specifically to Foster, where I methodically dismantle her misandrist, anti-Black Manospherian talking points, along with responding to other ridiculous stuff she's said - the remaining chapters are a mixture of my takedowns of fellow Modern Black Feminists Brittany Cooper and Feminista Jones - both of whom have receded from the social media game and I strongly suspect they won't be saying too much in the Trump 2.0 years either. So, in a very real sense, Foster is the last man standing out of the big three that I shout out in the book by name - and her isolation, even on the world's largest social media platform, will prove to be her undoing.
I have to say that "Toxic Femininity" was my fastest-written book at the time; it took me exactly NINE MONTHS from start to finish in writing and researching it - 45 chapters, roughly 2500 words on average per chapter, complete with all the bells and whistles you'd come to expect of a well-written tome. I got started in the fall of last year when I took my community tab posts addressing Foster and fleshed them out into larger book-grade chapters, and wrapped up principal writing of the manuscript on the last day of June of this year. One reason why I was moving like Charlie Hustle was because I knew that Foster was no stranger to the written word, although it had been awhile since she'd been actively at it; I didn't want to take a chance that she might beat me to the punch in the written word on the matter, and I was determined to be first to set the tone for all time. Thankfully, my prediction that she was lazy, unfocused and way too emotional while I'm a diehard workaholic that's disciplined to a fault paid off - the book debuted in bookstores and booksellers worldwide on Wednesday, November 6, 2024 - the day after Election Day - and YES, I gambled that choosing that release date would prove propitious for me. Again: DEBUTED AT NUMBER ONE ON AMAZON, on top of Trump winning - AGAIN. BOOM!
Speaking of Donald J. Trump, the once and future President of the United States, let's take some time out to savior my "I lost the YouTube battle, but I won the Manosphere Election war" moment, shall we? Because and after all - when you really get down to it - the beef between Foster and yours truly is a war of ideas. And our ideas - Manosphere ideas - won. As two of the bigger names in our respective camps out on these streets, it was only a matter of time before we would throw down - and throw down we did. The election was being hyped by the Left-leaning (and some would say bought for) press as being one about Reproductive Rights, Abortion and other women's concerns, when in truth Trump won a de facto landslide with the help of the Manosphere. Yup, that's right: The Manosphere. Don't take my word for it - again, I can't post the links, but all you have to do is Google the words, "New York Times", "Wall Street Journal", "PBS News Hour", or "Wired Magazine" along with the word "Manosphere" and holla back with the results. Just about every major newspaper or media organization worth the name freely admitted that it was the Manosphere that proved decisive in Trump's big win - dealing the Left and Modern Black Feminists like Foster, who were ten toes down for Kamala - a humbling defeat with a capital "H". Heck, even the happy warrior Scott Galloway has said that "this was a Manosphere election" when he was chopping it up with Anderson Cooper on his long running CNN show last month.
Now, I know what you're gonna say: "Yea Mumia, but that was the WHITE Manosphere - ain't nobody said anything about the Black Manosphere, and definitely nothing about YOU!" - right? Au contraire, is my response: Google the words "NPR" and "Diving into the Black Manosphere" and holla back - there, you will hear my name prominently mentioned. Of course, they got the story all wrong and people have even asked me if I was going to contact the "Code Switch"'s Gene Demby to correct the record. Nah, I won't bother - besides and as Trump himself famously said in "The Art of the Deal" - all press, even inaccurate, is good press. Besides, the point was made: The Black Left was shook that the Black Manosphere could sway enough Black men to vote Red, and that's exactly what happened.
Again, last month's historical elections cannot be discussed enough, and I clearly get why Foster and her ilk want to forget about the whole thing and pretend like it never happened, but we're not gonna let it go down like that. Uh-uh. The Modern Black Feminist agenda, personified in the form and person of Kamala Harris, didn't just lose at the ballot box - it was roundly REJECTED, like Dikembe Mtumbo swatting down a lob to the basket in the paint. As I've written here and elsewhere and as I recount in "Toxic Femininity" (gotta work in those shameless plugs!), Modern Black Feminists and the more rank and file Black women who cotton to their ideology unwittingly or otherwise, are fundamentally out of step with the rest of the country; they are Keishas Without a Country.
All of this would have been easy to suss out if you were doing your homework; I've been a Trump supporter since at least 2015 and have voted for him three times running. I've seen firsthand the rising Red tide of brothers who have had it up to here with Foster and her ilk. It wasn't a slam dunk to see coming from way down the other end of the court; it was a layup. But while Foster has thrown all of her chips into the social media video basket, which is to say, the Left leaning delusional echo chamber that has become the Big Tech outfits like YouTube. Meanwhile, I've carefully cultivated a strategy that was equal parts social media, books and live events over the past four years in particular - all of which have served me very well. One reason why I could keep right on gettin' up, making a seamless transition from YouTube to Rumble without skipping a beat, was in part due to the offline following and relationships I had built up over the years - my very first day on Rumble in early February proved to be quite profitable. None of this should come as a surprise for anyone who's followed me for any length of time over on YouTube - despite my relatively smaller channel size, I've always punched above my weight; this is borne out by the Playboard stats: Last year, I made it's Top 100 Most SuperChatted YouTuber's List a whopping eight times (while for her part, Foster didn't even rate even once despite having two channels much larger than my own) - talk about going out on a high note.
And since I've been fielding questions about this all year long, I might as well go on ahead and answer it once and for all right here, right now: Will I be going back to YouTube? Yes and no. Yes in the sense that I will be returning over there in 2025; and no it will not be what it once was. This is because I've always had a tense relationship with YouTube; out of all the other things I wasn't crazy about the platform but could learn to live with, the one thing that really rubbed me the wrong way was its censorious nature and curtailment of freedom of speech and expression, along with its capitulation to the Karens and Keishas out there, with Foster falling into the latter category. Women can say whatever they like no matter how egregious, and the YouTube Politburo gives it a pass. Meanwhile brothers like yours truly get the horns for calling the lovely ladies on their BS. Nah, they can have it - I've found a new home, where I can be who I want to be, and say what I want to say - unfiltered and uncut. But yea, I'll be back on YouTube in the coming year - we're working on some things along these lines, so stay tuned. Besides, since I landed on Rumble at the start of the year, it has TRIPLED in value (buy shares in Rumble NOW!) - in fact, they just announced getting a major round of funding from one of the big cryptocurrency outfits - $775M USD as I recall, so there you go. With Trump, Vivek, Elon and I want to say even Thiel, all being major venture capitalists in Rumble, I think you see the handwriting on the wall, hint hint. Talk about being at the right place at the right time; I've got half a mind to write Foster a check for hooking me up with so many opportunities this year, LOL. The next four years is gonna be bananas!
That brings me to the Black Manosphere Conclave - and I know this holiday letter is getting long as I don't know what LOL, but just bear with me - we had our fourth consecutive and biggest conclave yet in Houston back in September. I was a bit nervous about the turnout given that I was no longer on YouTube, but my fears were unfounded - one of the big lessons I learned this year, was that I don't need YouTube; YouTube needs me. We had some 400 brothers turnout at the Four Seasons luxury hotel, only one of H-Town's two five star joints at that - and we had a grand time fellowshipping with each other, networking and becoming the best version of ourselves. We outdid ourselves last year in Atlanta, and it's hard to believe that only two years ago were here in Philly meeting with only 50 brothers(!). Wow! We're gunning for Miami next year, and we've already sold something like 300 tickets but we've got plenty of room - so if you're a brother that wants to make some SERIOUS MONEY in the 21st century economy (STEM, crypto, real estate, the markets, small business, etc.), along with all manner of cutting edge lifestyle information and insight and tremendous networking opportunities, hit us up - I'll sound out the website for you: black dash manosphere dot org and hit the "events" section, and all the info is right there. Miami is gonna be LIT, trust me - that's where among many other things, I'll be rolling out my latest book about our good friend and dearly departed brother Kevin Samuels - conclave brothers get a SPECIAL "Conclave Edition" months before it hits the stores! Payment plans for tickets ARE available, we want to put on as many brothers as we can, so get yours NOW!
So, all in all, it's been a very interesting, at times stressful, but ultimately very productive and fruitful year for me. Sometimes it IS true: You gotta take one step back to take two forward. I lost a YouTube channel, and in a very real sense ending an era; but I began a new one, marked with a new platform, another number one bestselling book, hosting the biggest Black Manosphere Conclave yet, and winning a major election. What more could I ask for?
I want to close out with these words:
“You have no enemies, you say? Alas, my friend, the boast is poor. He who has mingled in the fray of duty that the brave endure, must have made foes. If you have none, small is the work that you have done. You’ve hit no traitor on the hip. You’ve dashed no cup from perjured lip. You’ve never turned the wrong to right. You’ve been a coward in the fight.”
Season's Greetings, & A Happy New Year!

Dec 27
Obsidian Talk Radio
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