6:39 AM 11/2/2023 Thu
By now, you've more than likely heard: The last Friday of October 2023, in a fit of fevered desperation, facing the reality that she simply could NOT refute my written and very detailed ripostes to her bromides about the Black Manosphere, the Passport Bros and our good friend and dearly departed brother "Saint Kevin" Samuels, my opponent, one Little Ms. Modern Black Feminist, decided to launch a truly shameful campaign to besmirch my longtime ladyfriend, the lovely Ms. Brown Sugar.(1) Doxxing her government name, and exhorting her followers throughout her social media platforms to call her place of employment to have her fired(!), my interlocutor delivers what she thinks is the coup de grace - a selfie photo of my lady and Ms. Tarana Burke of #MeToo fame. The implication of course, is that yours truly is a "hypocrite", because while I routinely dunk on Modern Black Feminists, I'm laying up with one when away from the microphone. It was nothing short of playing a sloppy game of "guilt by association" and a cheap stunt to ruin the public reputation, business and employment of my ladyfriend.
Like I said, shameful!
Now, of course, these specious claims are easily countered - for starters and taking the last dirty dodge first, just because one snaps a selfie, does NOT mean that they are in lockstep agreement with them philosophically or ideologically. Indeed, by that tortured and truly embarrassing chick logic, MY selfie with Ace Metaphor would also have to mean that I too pander to the lovely ladies and tell them what they want to hear for a living - right? You can head on over to my personal Facebook page or better yet I'll include it here so you can see it for yourself. If I snapped a selfie with former POTUS Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., does that make me a Democrat? I should hope not - it's a matter of public record that I'm a proud Black Republican. Simply getting selfies with famous figures do NOT mean that you agree with them ideologically.
But, you see, such little details don't matter when you're a Modern Black Feminist; all that matters is the Politics of Personal Destruction - something my interlocutor would know a bit about.
Contrary to the fallacious notion among Modern Black Feminists that the Black Manosphere in particular and Black men more generally, somehow "hate" Black women, in truth - and my opponent bears this out in her actions over time - it is Modern Black Feminism itself, that HATES Black women. Especially Black women who dare to think for themselves, to have their own ideas, and to have the moxy to articulate them in the public square. Such ladies are seen as traitors to the Modern Black Feminist Sistahood; they become Public Enemy Number One; and they must be Burned at the Stake of Black Gynocentrism.
Wow. Just...wow.
The proof of my assertion can be seen in the lineup of photos above, for my interlocutor in fact has a long track record of going after Black women she doesn't like and agree with - so much for the notion that Feminism was all about giving women, including Black, CHOICE, right?
To wit: On Sep 18, 2022, The Daily Beast reported that legendary rapper and pop icon Nicki Minaj's "Barbz" followers went after my opponent, after my opponent said, and I quote, "Nicki is so clearly a horrible person. Negativity sticks to her like glue. Idk if we’ve ever seen this before".(2) One could debate as to whether Minaj's followers were right or wrong, but what is not in dispute are my interlocutor's actions that set the whole ball of wax in motion. My opponent swore to bring legal action on Minaj's "Barbz". playing the role of hapless victim (throwing the rock and hiding her hand) but it isn't at all clear as to the outcome of that declaration.
To wit: On Jan 13, 2023, Little Ms. Modern Black Feminist took to her perch on YouTube to besmirch the reputation of Ms. Brittany Renner, in a video screed tittled, "Brittany Renner's New Grift and the Lies We Tell Single Women"(3) in which she also derided Ms. Renner as a "PickMe" for daring to suggest that if you as a woman want to succeed in attracting the better off High Value Men of the world, you'll have a much easier time of it if you know what the inside of a gym looks like. Indeed, it would be my and my ladyfriend's live show five days later, that would send my opponent into a frenzied tizzy - how dare I even HAVE a ladyfriend to begin with, AND that lady actually DISAGREE WITH HER?!? Off with her head!
To wit: On Oct 28, 2023, my opponent makes a beeline for Ms. Letisha Underwood's YouTube channel to register a lengthy comment to give her a piece of her mind after hearing Ms. Underwood say that in her opinion, Ms. Modern Black Feminist was expressing herself in ways that was unbecoming of a lady - and one is hard pressed to come to the defense of a female who thinks that letting her potty mouth come out to play is in line with wearing pearls and sipping tea. By the way, this also proves that my opponent is in fact paying rapt attention to my daily live shows - I can even narrow down the time when she was listening, since I structure my shows hour by hour and typically take calls in the second to third hours of the show.(4)
And, of course, we have the dastardly move my opponent made on my ladyfriend, on Friday past. Whew!
Ladies and gentlemen, what I have cited above establishes a clear pattern - whenever older, educated, just as accomplished (if not markedly more so) Black women dare to simply disagree with Little Ms. Modern Black Feminist here, she loses her mind and spazzes out. Who in the Black Manosphere has done the same?
To ask the question, is to answer it. Doxxing, cyberbullying, harassment, inciting others to harass those you don't like and disagree with and worse, is the order of the day when it comes to Modern Black Feminists. Indeed, what we're talking about today is by no means a one-off thing: IT IS THE NORM AMONG MODERN BLACK FEMINISTS. They operate by the Politics of Personal Destruction, no matter how many times they try to invoke former First Lady Michelle Obama. They live by the Rule of the Mob, inciting them to tear to pieces those Black women they don't like. They attempt to destroy other Black women they simply disagree with. And they attempt to attack through Guilt by Association. All are the tactics of losers.
And it shows.
Now we know how and why Modern Black Feminists never actually debate, don't we? How can they, when they're so piss-poor at it?
The great fictional detective Sherlock Holmes said it best: "When you have eliminated the probable, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth".
And the truth is, ladies and gentlemen, is that it is NOT the Black Manosphere who "hates" Black women. Not by a long shot.
The real and true haters of Black women, are Modern Black Feminists.
Like my interlocutor right here.
Read and weep in black and white, madam.
Read it and weep...
My name is Mumia Obsidian Ali, and I approved this message!
1. For Harriet's Smear Campaign Of Ms. Brown Sugar. SMH.
2. "Nicki Minaj’s ‘Barbz’ Came for This YouTuber. So She’s Suing Them." https://www.thedailybeast.com/nicki-minaj-fans-came-for-youtuber-kimberly-nicole-foster-so-shes-suing-them
3. "Brittany Renner's New Grift and the Lies We Tell Single Women" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJk3SdWy-lk
4. "These Dating Skits/Lists Have Everyone In A Chokehold!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V549ZuCCIAc

Nov 02
Obsidian Talk Radio
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