8:05 AM 11/5/2023 Sun
Following up on yesterday's post, I thought that today's would illustrate exactly what the Red Pill philosophy actually is. Last week, while live on the air and giving my running color commentary on The Saint & The Sinner's second evisceration of Princella "Queenmaker" Clark, I brought up this oldie but goodie gem from The Notorious RooshV. In the interest of full disclosure, I've written for Roosh's now defunct website Return of Kings, and I interviewed Roosh for A Voice for Men eight years ago.(1) I've always had a lot of respect for Roosh, and this classic post of his explains in a nutshell why.
That post, which again I've read on the air last week and have been getting a barrage of requests for the link in the Wayback Machine ever since, is called "Appearance is Ideology" and was published on the now defunct RooshV.com website on Mar 23, 2015.(2) In keeping with the old writer's maxim that brevity is the soul of wit, Roosh masterfully makes the case for a Red Pill way of looking at the world better than the scores of videos, books and other media ever could. My opponent's new man of less than a whole calendar year - eight years later, mind you - underscore's Roosh's point.
As you can see here, and as I've made the case previously, Mr. For Harriet is certainly in no position to be talking smack about anyone - not with those Chicken Little legs, A-cup Manboobs, and Michelin Man tire around the gut, he isn't. Moreover, his Twitter/X bromides against the Black Manosphere's political orientation, to say nothing of his sheer hatred of Charlemagne Tha God and Tariq Nasheed - two Black men who have actually assisted the Black community in ways Mr. For Harriet could only dream of, really do speak for themselves, to say nothing of making Roosh's case as per the above. The jokes really do start writing themselves at this point.
So, and without further ado, let's review and savor Roosh's sage insights on these matters, as they relate to men, shall we?
Here we go - this is how Roosh opens his post in question:
"You can easily predict the ideology of someone on the liberal-conservative spectrum by how they look. This is universal not just in Western countries but also in more traditional parts of the world.
Liberals tend to be ugly, fat, and with low muscle mass when compared to the societal average. I don’t claim this to cause insult, but it’s clear that liberalism is an ideology that attempts to take from the strong, beautiful, and talented to give to the ugly, weak, and talentless. If you are strong yourself, you would not want to involuntarily donate the fruits of your labor to those who are weak, especially if they are outside of your tribe, meaning that average or below average individuals naturally gravitate towards liberalism."
Roosh goes on to discuss the lovely liberal ladies, but since we're talking about men here, we'll skip ahead to the good part:
"If you are a man who has puny muscles and testosterone levels, you will want policies that take from stronger men mostly out of your own jealousy and feelings of inferiority. You don’t want them to succeed because of abilities, talents, or attributes they have that you don’t."
BOOM. And this is where Charlemagne and Tariq come in. You see, and I pointed this out in a previous post called, "ARE MODERN FEMINISTS IN DENIAL ABOUT "WATER SEEKING ITS OWN LEVEL"?"(3), I made the case that it was very easy to see how and why Mr. For Harriet would feel some kind of way about Charlemagne and Tariq - it's because they're not only wildly successful, but wildly successful in fields that Mr. Chicken Little Legs is not - despite having gone to school and gone into hock for. Strong men don't hate on other men who are successful, even if they don't like or disagree with them; indeed, strong men simply set out to out do those successful men he doesn't like. He doesn't prattle away on Elon Musk's X at all times of the day and night about it.
Going to the earlier point about my opponent's "man" taking shots at the Black Manosphere for leaning conservative, Roosh has this to say that illuminates the matter:
"If you’re not a winner, you will not support an ideology which allows winners to keep the bulk of their winnings. While I would in no way assert that American conservatives (Republicans) are winners, or even true conservatives, it’s clear that American liberals have gravitated to their ideology because it promises a social climate where their low talent, low beauty, and low muscle features are not seen in a negative way. They become “equal” to those who are obviously superior in intelligence, appearance, talent, or wealth."
The simple truth of the matter is that Charlemagne and Tariq are undeniably talented at what they do - and neither required any form of schooling to do it, either, unlike Mr. Chicken Little here. THAT IS THE ISSUE, because, let's keep it all the way a Buck, wouldn't YOU be miffed if some bros who came off the block and hit a Grand Slam in what YOU went to school for and FAILED, too? The Classics of antiquity have taught us much about the green eyed monster of envy, have they not?
Roosh continues:
"It’s not uncommon for a man, as he improves himself in business and also increases his sexual market value, to gravitate from the left to the right side of the political spectrum. Otherwise, he would be going against his interests to share his hard-fought gains with those who did not work as hard as him. Therefore to understand where people fall on the political spectrum, simply look at them."
Honestly, where is the lie here? While the motto "Achievement in ALL things" is simply a going through the motions endeavor for some, in this dojo they truly are words to live by - and we strive to achieve that which we set out to do. Since I am the ringleader in this regard, I set the example. I set out to be a skilled tradesman, and at the age of 18, and I did just that for the next nearly quarter of a century of my life - rising to become the third-highest paid man Black, White or Other in the entire operation, in the process. NO ONE outworked me, either - I routinely was pulling 65 hours-plus a week, with only ONE vacation on my service record, a testament to my work ethic. I was renowned for being able to do the work of five men, and the plant manager was shook when I wasn't around. You see, being in the "top ten" is nothing new for me.
After my early retirement at the age my interlocutor's man is right now, I embarked on a new career - being a somebody in the world of the Manosphere. Starting out as a simple blogger, then writer and ultimately author in the year 2009, I've not only achieved that objective, but took it a step further by striking out on my own and becoming a full time podcaster, helping to create the Black Manosphere at the same time in the year 2015. Since then, I've become a number one bestselling author and one of the top 100 most successful YouTubers in terms of actually making money in the entire country - top of my class, again. The recent Black Manosphere Conclave, held in ATL where it all began in 2021, was not only the third such event, it was also the biggest one to date, and hosted men literally from around the world. It ranks fifth in the nation of events geared for and catering to Black men, and the only one that is a multi-day, independently funded event that turned a nice profit, to boot. All of my adult life, I know what it's like to stand out, to be a man of distinction, to be the top of my chosen profession, line of work and endeavors. I am not new to this.
It would then make perfect sense that my sociopolitical orientation would be a blood red conservative and proud Black Republican - like my dad (stompdown Reagan man) and grand dad (stompdown Ike Eisenhower man) before me. Indeed, when I was literally grandfathered into my very first job right out of high school, I was inspired in a big way listening to Rush Limbaugh and Paul Harvey in the rides to and from work with my grand dad listening to his radio. I didn't know how I was going to do it, but by hook or crook, I was gonna be on the radio. Many years later, here I am. I am as much the living embodiment of Roosh's words above as Mr. For Harriet - and it shows.
No matter how much I may personally disagree or even dislike a man, I will never, ever, hate on their success. This was borne out in both cases of late and are a matter of public record - Derrick Jaxn, and his protege Ace Metaphor. I have long been a critic of Jaxn's and have been vindicated thanks to his antics and peccadilloes; as for Ace, I've long disagreed with what I rightly see as his pandering behavior to the lovely ladies of da communitah in the service of making coin. Nevertheless, in both cases, I have never grumbled about their making money, have never tried to impede their ability to do so, have never hated on their success - indeed and if anything, it was always my approach, to see what I could learn from them. I have gone on the record in saying that if Black women want to spend their money listening to someone like Jaxn, that is their right to do, and Jaxn is well within his right to make as much as he can from the enterprise; and I have said that while I disagree philosophically with Ace, I will never put down his ability to make an honest buck, and have even congratulated him in public and in private for his business acumen. You see, in this dojo, we don't hate; we congratulate. But we can clearly see, that we cannot say the same for the gentleman in question here, now can we? Ahem.
Given that my interlocutor's raison d'etre is to, and I quote directly from the description of her YouTube channel, offer "commentary on beauty standards, hierarchies of desirability, and the politics of aesthetics" I think Roosh's summation - EIGHT YEARS AGO - is a most fitting way to wrap things up here:
"If the girl is unsightly, she’s a liberal. If she’s beautiful, she wants to be rightly rewarded for that beauty, and so will have more traditional beliefs where men undertake high mating investment to be with her. If a guy is also ugly in the sense that he’s ugly to women (has low testosterone, small muscles, low game skill, low confidence), he is also a liberal. This shortcut will make it very easy for you to identify who to avoid and who to admit into your circle of friendship."
Like I said, BOOM.
To the happy couple - after all, like truly does attract like, does it not?
My name is Mumia Obsidian Ali, and I approved this message!
1. "Bang: The Definitive Interview With RooshV (Part One)" https://avoiceformen.com/featured/bang-the-definitive-interview-with-rooshv-part-one/
2. "Appearance Is Ideology" https://web.archive.org/web/20190117214454/https://www.rooshv.com/appearance-is-ideology
3. "ARE MODERN FEMINISTS IN DENIAL ABOUT "WATER SEEKING ITS OWN LEVEL"?" https://black-manosphere.org/blogs/news/are-modern-feminists-in-denial-about-water-seeking-its-own-level
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1 comment
I applaud you on this piece. Extremely well said. I believe in your paths to the top for our people. I just don’t think they had been clearly given detailed to that path. When I grew up (born 1959) no one clearly gave any paths to success to those who were impoverished. When we asked the older guys we were always told to figure it out. Understandable, because they may not have figured things out. The world around us was changing. They end of the Civil Rights and the introduction of black feminist first appearance to me eyes and ears as a kid growing up. Things was changing on the street level in the 70’s. Jobs started shrink. It was an a time of uncertainty then coming up no knowing if there would be any work. I grew up in a poor family with 8 brothers and 3 sisters. The oldest sister is 10 years after me. I come from that single mother home. I saw all the horrors, the good and bad.
Before the disbanding of the civil rights movement. I had met some of those brothers from the organizations, who told us to keep the message going. We ask how. They told us to reach who we could reach. This is were I first heard frame’s like “each one reach one, each one teach one” and “no man left behind”. I strive always through my endeavors to make that a possibility. The world was uncertain for us youth, but I think as a result of growing up in that era and the lessons learned certainly helped us to get to the 80’s. See most youth I know in my time didn’t believe with all that was going on would live past the age of 18. At 18 it was a different world trying to figure out life at that point. Street gangs had also grew out of the movements to protect our communities. What they devolved into after their despandthing left more of an opening for further disfunction. 10 to 12 years later we got hit with the crack epidemic. You see the correlation. Get rid of anything standing in the way of what came after. I also add the during my time there wasn’t enough brothers out there spending the message. It is only until now we have the numbers and a way to communicate that message. It is people like you that is going to build the gateway into the future. Are there other brothers who have a semblance of what you are doing. Take “man or tomorrow” my point about carrying a train off a bridge. Night and day. I do see you as a fair and objective man.
I have to talk about classes. You, Kevin Samuels and the like are of a different class. You guys are top tier guys. The masses don’t purport to the same messaging and can take it as an offense. What you are doing with your meet up will begin to bridge a gap and grow those from the lower runge of society upward. We have no more Malcolm’s, Martin’s, Booker T Washington’s etc to use as an example. It is brothers like you who is and will set the standards for generations to come. It doesn’t matter what the generations did before. I believe the time is hence forth. The irony is I hear so many brothers calling for the heads of us shimmy one eyed boomers heads. Again after the cut the head of the snake off and believed the dig out the roots by taking down any and all black organizations, then pumping crack into our neighborhoods their thought it was over. I see rooted in the movement was to also seed for the future. As the wonderful points about your not hating the next man. The streets were filled with what you heard in Marvin Gaye’s song “what’s going on.” That was lost and the crab mentality came back. Clearly it’s take down anyone who strive to the top, so they can look better.
You are clear right in this assessment. I always enjoy they brothers rights or wrong. I believe their is way to much of what you talk about slowing down the process. Yes every man should strive to reach their heights without impediment. It is a man who seeks to burn that bridge after he has made it that is the problem.
I have a lot to say, but I will leave it here. I have rambled on long enough slimming up your message. I do agree with you and I wish you much more success in the future.