It would appear that my recent post, "ARE MODERN FEMINISTS IN DENIAL ABOUT "WATER SEEKING ITS OWN LEVEL"?", where I responded to my interlocutor's video where she talks about her dating preferences by whipping up on Blue HENRYs and which has been discussed by other YouTubers, etc., has finally gotten the attention of Ms. Modern Black Feminist! Below is our exchange - and please note that it does not address any of the rebuttals I've made to her actual video arguments. Instead, they're all focused on personal matters, with much of it being small minded personal attacks on yours truly and by extension, my ladyfriend who has truly done nothing to anyone, other than merely being with me and having the nerve to disagree with a Modern Black Feminist personally attacking another Black woman for being a "Pickme" and a "grifter" (you can't make this stuff up). I post this exchange to show and prove what I've been saying about Modern Black Feminists like my interlocutor has indeed been true all along: There's a reason why they don't debate the actual issues, facts and arguments. That's because, "The personal, is political". At least they're consistent.
At any rate, enjoy! Next week we get back to the business of deconstructing their house of cards.
Hello Kim! Fancy seeing you here. Let's dive in, shall we?
KNF: Your obsession with me is both hilarious and unnerving. But I appreciate being mentioned alongside my mentor and friend, EBH. What I love about this particular straw man is that to make this argument, you have to acknowledge that you and nearly the entirety of your audience are beneath me. I'm glad we agree.
MOA: Only in your mind, young padawan; only in your mind. Actually, writing these posts have been quite amusing, because deconstructing your drivel really isn't much of a challenge at all. And the "obsession" angle is rich, given yours about the Black Manosphere. If you had simply stuck to your reality tv shows and making content that makes money for women like beauty and fashion hauls, we wouldn't be having this conversation in the first place. But, go on...
"Also, you threw your partner under the bus while attempting to indict me. She's an "elite woman" (I'm using your words because, in my neck of the woods, Northwestern doesn't even qualify to be a safety school) with an autistic, clinically obese, disabled internet troll with no degree, so she must be a desperate mud duck, too! I know, I know! You'll say you make so much money digitally panhandling 8 hours a day from your dingy apartment that it all evens out! We'll have to agree to disagree there. "
MOA: Ahhhh, because name calling and ad hominem attacks aways works; more proof that you have no actual rebuttal to the facts I've present thus far. But, you see, my ladyfriend thinks something is seriously wrong with you; she thinks Black women like you are a big part of the problem in Black America between Black men and women these days, and she actually has a life and isn't concerned with what you think. And she actually has a real degree; everyone knows that "African American Studies" and other such drivel is a bunch of bunk. While you make pablum for your fellow spinsters, she's out living and enjoying real life with real world accomplishments. Too bad you're not woman enough to be able to handle it when other Black women on your level (and actually above it) actually disagrees with you - a very nasty habit among Modern Black Feminists, I've noticed over the years among your ilk. Too bad, indeed. So much for the "Sistahood", right?
"Digitally panhandling"? Says the lady who BEGS people to "Help me make more videos" with your Patreon, LOL. We're on the same platform, doing the exact same thing, talk about the pot calling the kettle black. You make your daily bread from BLACK FEMALE F*CKERY, the same as me; I'm just a heck of a lot more honest about it. You play on the insecurities and fears of Black women for money, and you dress it up in Black Feminist BS. Please do not get mad at me because I'm actually pretty good at what I do and make very good money doing what I do, unlike you, who by your own admission have said that you don't get paid by TikTok or Instagram and you're making a pittance on YouTube given the sheer bloat of your channels (and your "KNF" channel makes more money than your "FH" one does - proving that making money on YouTube has little to do with sheer subscriber count).
NU is an OG member of the Big Ten - and if you revere your mentor as much as you claim you do, you'd have more respect for both her alma mater, AND her late hubbie's, given that they too are Big Ten members. You're making this way too easy, Kim. I'm NOT impressed, LOL.
Black men are the largest group with physical disabilities, owing to the sheer danger of their work (which also happens to be the most manly, I might add); I've done a heck of a job in making a comeback from it, too. When I'm out and about I get nothing but compliments from the ladies admiring my canes and walking sticks. Including a recent Juneteenth exhibit, where I discovered that I have a relative; a scholar and author. It runs in the family, as it turns out.
As for being "clinically obese"? Not at 5'7" and 175 lbs. I'm not. I'm what, nearly 15 years your man's senior, and he's got quite the dad bod himself, don't you know. Not sure you're in any position to be talking smack, LOL.
"Dingy apartment"? You mean, like yours? LOL. I live in a huge three bedroom a stone's throw away from one of Philly's major universities, and only minutes from Rittenhouse Square. I'm in the top two percent of male money earners, and my neighborhood is majority White, with Black folks coming in third. My huge place houses my podcasting studio, my ladyfriend's own home office (with all the trimmings - how many Black women can honestly say that they can work from home, at their man's expense, hmm?), a huge master bedroom, and a living room with a view. All of it has been customized to my specifications, including a huge walk-in closet that goes all the way up to the ceiling. When I go outside, I see gentrification happening in every direction (including literally right next door), with tree lined streets, people riding bikes and where every other car is a Subaru. I make my own hours, have a team of largely Black men and men of color working for me, and I do it all by talking about Modern Black Feminists like you. What a life!
And I don't think you're in any position to discuss what is or is not elite, given that your man, if you can call him that, went to a school that doesn't even rate, is hating on another Black man with a verified track record of achievement in your man's chosen field of endeavor (yea, I'm aware of Malcolm's hating on Tariq Nasheed while he can't even put together a B-reel). Take a bow, Ms. Haaaarvard!
KNF: Clearly, I'm the only Black woman under 45 with elite credentials who will acknowledge your existence because talking points like "find your partner in college" (something Michelle, herself, didn't do and didn't counsel her daughters to do) do not hold in the modern era. This analysis is mind-numbingly geriatric.
MOA: No, she only found hers not long afterwards; it's a matter of public record how she and Barack got together, and which tracks with what Ms. Susan Patton, the "Princeton Mom" has documented in her bestselling book that you've obviously never read. Eboni K. Williams has cosigned it, too. At least she sees, finally at the last, while injecting herself with fertility drugs so she can become a single mom, the wisdom of what Ms. Patton said.
As for you, I've been getting the attention of Modern Black Feminists of all ages for quite some time now; clearly you don't know my background. Don't flatter yourself. LOL.
"Ultimately, I got exactly what I wanted:
MOA: No, you got what you qualified for: An underperforming Beta male who literally lives in your shadow. A brother who himself didn't attend an Ivy, didn't attend a top ten, top twenty, top fifty or even a top 100 school. A brother who is not remarkable in any demonstrable way, and who hates on other Black men who actually are, no matter what you may think of them. If anyone has settled here my dear, it's you.
KNF: a brilliant man with the fortitude to make it through a degree program, an attractive, well-traveled, well-read, well-respected six-figure earner with a great network and impeccable character. Very few Black women, including the one you've called "girlfriend" for 15 years, can say the same. I'm extraordinarily lucky."
MOA: None of which is reflected on Twitter/X. His fashion sense is amatuerish at best, his alma mater is literally ranked 257 spaces below yours and has an acceptance rate of nearly eighty percent to your alma mater's three - and his word choice on that platform reflects this. He's produced nothing, no one has heard of him, heck his bromides against the Black Manosphere don't even garner traction on Shea Butter Twitter. None of the people he touts I've heard of, and since I happen to know quite a few Kappas with actual name recognition (including several politicos), they don't know him or them, either. My ladyfriend has seen your man and his supposed credentials and his (lack of) track record. She's not impressed.
At any rate, the fact remains that a major figure of the Black Manosphere has proven able to get along with a Black woman who is brilliant, pretty and accomplished in her own right, for nearly 15 years uninterrupted. That completely obliterates your narrative and LIES about what the Black Manosphere is all about. We have over sixty(!) podcasts together, where is yours with your man again? Yea. That's what I thought.
We don't hate Black women. Many of us do quite well with Black women. We just disagree with Black women like YOU.
Check back in with me when you and Mr. Kimberly Nicole Foster have made the five year mark - one third of the length of time me and mine have done. Then, we'll talk.
"Again, I'm deeply amused by your willingness to demean 99% of Black men and your own girlfriend to get to me. I really am the Final Boss."
MOA: Nowhere near as my deep amusement by "soloprenuers" like you go running around calling yourselves "boss chicks". I'm an actual boss with a real payroll and I don't go around touting that stuff (finalizing plans to expand ops right now with an outfit out of New Delhi and Dubai as we speak in fact!). Like I said: Single women keep single women single - and no one does that better, than Modern Black Feminists like you.
"I do appreciate that you've decided to stop lying about me for 6 hours at a time. These fallacies are a bit more dignified."
MOA: Coming from an old hand at fibbing such as yourself, I think that's a high compliment. But do try to actually vet your sources next time? And I do appreciate that you've at least tried to respond in writing, though I remain underwhelmed by the effort.
Let's see if you can actually respond to the facts I've presented this time.
Shall we continue to hold our breath?
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