6:18 AM 10/22/2023 Sun
NOTE: This is in response to the following TikTok videos by my interlocutor, Ms. Modern Black Feminist:
When you've been around in the game as long as I have as a recognized leader in the Black Manosphere space, you're bound to attract enemies; indeed, yours truly has quite the rogue's gallery of colorful characters, Modern Black Feminists being chief among them. But there's one thing I've noticed in particular that they all seem to have in common, at least from my personal experience and observation for the better part of a decade now:
They all seem to have a keen interest in just how much money we Manospherians make from our daily toil.
Now, to be sure, pocket watching isn't something that's unique to Modern Black Feminists like my interlocutor; indeed, it has long been the true National Negro American Pastime. Black folks love to talk about what other Black folk are making and whether it's real or not, who they're spending their money on or with, and so on. In fact, we talk more about this than we do "who's zoomin' who" gossip.
But I've noticed that Modern Black Feminists seem to really go the extra mile in trying to determine just how much Manospherians are making, often with an eye toward trying to shut their operations down on "hate speech" grounds or some such - which is just more proof in how and why they aren't free market capitalists in the least, but rather embittered socialists mad they can't get on in the same way.
Now that sounds counterintuitive - after all, Modern Black Feminists make extensive use of social media, keeping in line with the well documented fact that Black women consume more social media content than any other demographic in the country(1) - but, and here's the trick, the major platforms Black women can be found in the largest numbers, like "Shea Butter Twitter", TikTok and Instagram, literally pay a pittance. If they pay anything at all.
This explains both why a few years back, Feminista Jones, who at her height on Shea Butter Twitter had more than a quarter of a million followers, had to go literally begging for bread and relying on the kindness of strangers. TheColi.com documents all of this, and notes that celebrated filmmaker, podcaster and author Tariq Nasheed even offered to bail her out, LOL.(2)
That brings us to our interlocutor here who, last month on TikTok, lamented just how little her content creation efforts netted her. The biggest bang for her buck came on YouTube, which is certainly more than she made on the aforementioned platform or on Instagram, but nowhere near Manosphere giants like the late great "Saint Kevin" Samuels or Fresh & Fit have made from the world's largest social media platform - and there are profound reasons for that. At any rate, the platforms Black women like to frequent and use the most, just happen to also be the platforms that payout the least, and I don't know about anyone else, but I don't think that's by accident.
By the way, Modern Black Feminists don't do so very well on YouTube either; sure, you can be an outlier like my opponent and build up a big following, but in terms of sheer revenue generation, you're likely to fall flat, as she makes clear in her own words above. The burning question has to be, why?
Well, it's not hard to figure out - one major reason why is because YouTube is an inherently male platform, according to Statista.com, where nearly 55% of its users are male(3). Not only that, but if you go and look at the top ten biggest YouTubers in the country, the list is overwhelmingly male again - Mr. Beast, Markiplier, Logan Paul and Jake Paul easily come to mind. On a global scale, PewDiePie still reigns supreme.
So, it would make perfect sense as to how and why a totally obscure Canadian academic and clinical psychologist like Dr. Jordan Peterson would come out of nowhere to be one of the bestselling authors on the planet - or why a fashion and image consultant with a mere 50K subs on YouTube prior to the spring of 2020 would become a household name overnight and the bane of Modern Black Feminism's existence in Kevin Samuels. Even while banned from the platform, the Notorious Andrew Tate's interview with Patrick Bet-David's Valuetainment channel on YouTube garnered over FOURTEEN MILLION VIEWS a year ago.(4)
There isn't a Modern Black Feminist alive or dead, who can put up those kinds of numbers; heck, all of them combined, couldn't do it. Or generate that kind of money. That's because YouTube simply ain't the place for them. That's why.
And the places and spaces that are actually optimized for them to get the biggest bang for the buck - Twitter, TikTok, Instagram and Facebook due to being that's where Black women are in force - don't make money, at least not directly, and that's at best. And it shows.
Now, IF you're an enterprising sort, you can use these platforms as funnels to an off-site platform - say, your own website, and/or a crowdfunding website like Patreon - and in this regard, my opponent has done quite well for herself. I recall having quite a few conversations with Kevin about how my interlocutor has shrewdly leveraged her social media presence from all of these aforementioned platforms, plus her own website For Harriet, to funnel directly into a large following on Patreon. Kudos to her for that!
And, if you're able to leverage other aspects of what I call the DEI Economy, yea, you can do very well going on the Affirmative Action Chitlin Circuit to make money giving lectures and speeches about how horrible the world is to Black women writ large. Black women in general and Modern Black Feminist women in particular, know very well their "Twofer" status in the worlds of academia, public-private ventures and state-run entities and how they can cash in on it. Who do you think was doing the most squawking when Affirmative Action was finally struck down by the Supreme Court earlier this summer? Take a wild guess as to who's ox got gored. Modern Black Feminists know how to game the system, and hey, good on them - I ain't gonna knock their hustle.
Too bad they're out here knocking ours, though.
As Kevin showed and proved during the final few years of his life and as I've found out to be true myself, a major factor of the Manospherian Economy is Talk Radio. It, like YouTube, is an inherently male medium, and has been a proven driver of economic success. All of the major talkers to come down the pike in the past three-plus decades have been male: The late great Rush Limbaugh, Howard Stern & Tom Leykis, easily come to mind, and even better, all three of them can be rightly seen as Proto-Manospherian.
But Black men have never truly had that kind of medium that speaks directly TO them, in a talk radio format they would like and more importantly, be willing to support. That's where Obsidian Radio comes in. A daily morning talk radio style live show that is unapologetically Black and Male, and offers incisive commentary, analysis and opinion on the events and personalities of the day - and all served up in that humorously irreverent style that only guys can really appreciate. It's a rare female bird who can do talk radio in general and who can appeal to a male audience - the only one that instantly springs to mind is Laura Ingraham over at FOX News. All the others - including a pre-MSNBC Rachel Maddow - crashed and burned. Ain't nobody got time for a Terri Gross type lecturing to them like a schoolmarm.
None have been Black female. And trust me when I tell ya, this hasn't gone unnoticed by our erstwhile Modern Black Feminists either.
Even better and unlike all of the aforementioned forerunners, Obsidian Radio doesn't rely on blue chip advertisers - instead, it appeals directly to the Black male listener to invest and chip in. This model ensures a pure Black Male Voice and doesn't have to concern itself with making the Lovely Ladies Upset, LOL.
I remember like it was yesterday, how hopping mad (imagine that!) Feminista Jones was at the fact that I could fire up a live stream and simply talk about her and make cold cash in doing so; in fact, I could make more money talking about Feminista Jones, than Feminista Jones could make money talking about Feminista Jones, LOL. And she's not alone - indeed, over the years, I've made quite a bit of coin entertaining my Black and male listeners getting them through their work days talking about some of the biggest, pardon the pun, names in the Modern Black Feminist hierarchy - much to their chagrin, I might add. My interlocutor is only the latest item to come down the pike in that regard.
What my opponent doesn't seem to understand or accept, is that there are two major things for her to consider: First, the fact that there are fewer places to leverage on the Black female side of the ledger. Given that catering to Black women has been a cash cow in Black America for decades, many might rightly think that the big wagon of profit would keep rolling along indefinitely. Modern Black Feminism itself is being put to the acid test of profitability in that regard, and writ large. Sure, if you can carve a niche for yourself out on the AA Chitlin' Circuit, or appeal to a smaller but higher paying cohort like a nice sized Patreon following or something like that, then you can make a nice go for yourself. After all, everyone knows how lonely and desperate so many Black women truly are, and are willing to pay money they really don't have to be told that it's not their fault. Why do you think Steve Harvey, Derrick Jaxn and Ace Metaphor make money hand over fist? And, so long as you can keep churning out propaganda that says it's Black men's fault as to how and why so many Black women are so miserable, yea, you can continue to make out.
But that leads me to the second factor people like my opponent haven't considered: The largely untapped Black Male Market. Kevin Samuels became a viral sensation largely because of World Star Hip Hop, the world's single biggest website destination for Black men - especially in that highly coveted 18 to 35 demographic. Because of Worldstar, Kevin went mega-viral an unprecedented TWELVE TIMES IN A ROW, because he had the nerve, the look and the gravitas, to put the lovely ladies who thought far too much of themselves, in their place - something so many brothers could relate to. Andrew Tate? Same again - he was able to go viral by putting the little ladies in their place, starting with a date that was videotaped back in the summer of last year. That so many men can relate to what Samuels and Tate was doing, says something - something Modern Black Feminists can't bring themselves to accept.
This also accounts for the runaway success of Fresh & Fit - say what you will of their antics, but the numbers don't lie. Earlier this year, Fresh & Fit were Number One in the country's Top 100 Most SuperChatted channels, earning a cool $60K USD for that month alone, according to Playboard, YouTube's version of Billboard for musical artists. Fresh & Fit's bread and butter was having Miami bimbo chicks come onto the show and show everyone just how much they were dingbats. Now you could say that they went a bridge too far with the racial stuff and I wouldn't disagree, but the point is their following among males was and remains even now, undeniable. That's because Fresh & Fit, Andrew Tate, Kevin Samuels and even the good Dr. Jordan Peterson, all know what men want - and YouTube in particular is especially optimized to give it to them.
As American society grows weary of Woke DEI-ism, and anti-male big corporate campaigns like Gillette and Budweiser go down in flames, the Manosphere, White and Black, will continue to rise - not just in clout online, but on the ledger, too. And wherever the boys are, the girls ain't far behind.
Which explains how and why my Little Lady interlocutor is here, right now.
My name is Mumia Obsidian Ali, and I approved this message!
1. "Reaching Black Women Across Media Platforms" https://www.nielsen.com/insights/2017/reaching-black-women-across-media-platforms/
2. "Feminista Loans out here with her hand out again... Tariq Nasheed might have to save her again..." https://www.thecoli.com/threads/feminista-loans-out-here-with-her-hand-out-again-tariq-nasheed-might-have-to-save-her-again.659795/
3. "YouTube by the Numbers: Stats, Demographics & Fun Facts" https://www.omnicoreagency.com/youtube-statistics/#:~:text=3.-,YouTube%20Demographics%3A%20Gender,the%2025%2D34%20age%20bracket.
4. "Exclusive: Andrew Tate UNCENSORED Interview with Patrick Bet-David" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iv-C4CVGk28
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