7:31 AM 10/11/2023 Wed
Longtime and noted matchmaker, Ms. LeTisha Underwood, recently made an admittedly lengthy post on Facebook outlining her praise and recognition of the Black Manosphere Conclave, the third annual event taking place last month in Atlanta. Among other things, she writes the following below:
"I will say it’s been a journey. I’m a straight shooter. I tend to be very honest and direct and sometimes it’s landed me in hot water with both men and women. So much so I wanted to give up several times. In fact in 2023, I soft quit twice. That is until my good friend Mumia Ali held his third annual Black Manosphere Conclave. Approximately 200 black men showed up focused on how to level up as men. Hearing that brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart. After seeing the pictures of these brothers looking well put together and focused on building themselves, it renewed my hope and faith in humanity. I also thought, if they could do it, then so can the women. I’ve been told by many people over the years that this was my calling. That I am to mother and nurture young women into healthy mindsets that would make them suitable for marriage."
Rededicating her efforts to get the lovely ladies' acts together, she continues with the following about the conclave:
"Lately here I’ve been trying to figure out what to do without feeling like I’m leading young women into a burning house because the majority of men will not qualify for “My Angels!” After hearing about The Conclave I just knew what I had to do. Get the young ladies connected with those gentlemen or at least with the upstanding men who desire marriage. It’s ok that my message is not going to be inclusive. It’s ok that I will receive backlash. So, going forward you all may see a little difference in my messaging and branding. Most will not like it but that’s ok. I’m only here for the few that want it. And that’s ok too!"
On behalf of my partners of the Black Manosphere Conclave - Jason "JB" Brown, Shannon Rawls and TheoWAF, I want to deeply thank Ms. Underwood for her very kind words about our conclave, and wish her well in her own mission to create the kinds of ladies driven, goal-oriented and serious-minded Black men want.
We deeply appreciate it!
*You can read Ms. Underwood's statement in full on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/MsDiva80/pos...