9:28 AM 10/14/2023 Sat
NOTE: This is a written response to the YouTube video, "Are Black women with degrees recklessly having children? Of course not." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPIqm_kH99g&t=2s
LOL, this is getting way too easy.
By now, you may be accustomed to the truly outrageous claims, assertions and accusations our Modern Black Feminist interlocutor has leveled at the Black Manosphere; and one of them happens to be, that we have been charging up the Michelle Obamas of the world with being baby mamas to the Pookies & Ray-Rays of the block. Of course, nowhere in the nearly three minute video in question does our little Ms. Modern Black Feminist even try to give us any receipts, names or timestamps of the movers and shakers of the Black Manosphere making claims that even come close to what she asserts.
But, not to worry; since I'm one of the founding fathers of the Black Manosphere, I am here to help.
And I do so by my own hand - written and posted on Facebook on May 27, 2022 - nearly a year and a half ago(!). And, I have to say that going back to read what I wrote on a humbug, was so well presented, that it doesn't even need any edits whatsoever; I'll simply repost it below and let you, dear reader, decide if our little lovely lady Modern Black Feminist's wild-eyed claims hold any water whatsoever.
But, before I go to that beautiful bean footage, let the record show that I, Mumia Obsidian Ali, one of the three kings of the Black Manosphere, have been with the same highly educated and highly accomplished lady for nearly FIFTEEN YEARS - so what I write isn't merely abstract talking points. I WALK IT LIKE I TALK IT. And I am not alone. Not by a long shot.
Anyway, and with no further ado, here's that post of mine from last year - and to our little lady Modern Black Feminist, eat your heart out, baby! LOL!
Fri, May 27, 2022, 6.35AM EDT
A major flashpoint of contention between Black men and women for easily the past several decades - if not longer - is the idea that Black men don't care about how educated Black women are when it comes to mating. It's a topic that is bitterly debated in just about every venue Black folk are known to frequent, online and off - and what has always fascinated me about the whole ball of wax is the fact that no one seems to be interested or bothered to determine what the actual evidence says on the matter. While many Black women see their educational and career success as a major point of pride and selling point in the mating market, many Black men see it as an attempt on the part of the lovely ladies to foist onto Black men their own ideas of what should be desirable. The power struggle continues.
But some interesting data from Bowling Green State University tells another tale. Reviewing statistics on first marriages in the USA from the year 2018, BGSU finds that contrary to conventional wisdom, it is the most educated of Black women who divorce the least, while Black women who only have "some college" under their belt divorce the most. This is important: We can debate the reasons how and why (and we should!), but the bottomline is that education and marital durability are strongly correlated (along with getting married in the first place).
Now, before the lovely ladies start cheering, let's go back to the aforementioned point Bowling Green made: Black women with "some college" divorce the most - and I think it is this that so many Black men are reacting so strongly to in the first place when they say they don't care about Black women's educations. According to Black Demographics, while Black women attend college at an impressive 59%, only 24% of them hold a bachelor's degree, and only 10% hold a graduate or professional degree. That means that more than half of all Black women who do attend college, dropout, AND incur significant school debt - according to an Aug 5, 2018 piece appearing on the Black Enterprise website, Black women have the highest school debt of any college student in the country.
Putting that together with the fact that these ladies who are likely to dropout also aren't likely to attend the top tier schools - Spelman, UPenn, Duke, Northwestern, Columbia, Princeton, Brown, Dartmouth, Stanford, MIT, etc. - and it all makes sense how and why so many brothers take such a jaundiced view. It may not be cricket to say in polite company, but all colleges are not created equal; worse, dropping out from one that is relatively lower on the collegiate totem pole doesn't exactly mark you out as a force to be reckoned with either. The rank and file brother may not be as astute about the ins and outs of college life, but it doesn't take a US News & World Report expert to figure out that a college dropout that's carrying $30K USD-plus of school debt on average isn't particularly appealing in the mating market. Especially when so many ladies are leading with it.
Nevertheless fellas, and the aforementioned caveat notwithstanding, the point is made: A highly educated sista, especially one who went to one of the best schools on the planet (and everyone knows that the lion's share of them are right here in the good ole US of A), truly is worth her weight in gold. Wifing her up is a powerful investment, indeed. Brothers who are smart enough to land one of the smartest Black women on the planet accrue a bounty of benefits: They live longer, make more money, are happier, healthier, and yes, they even have more and better sex, over brothers who don't, all things being equal. They are also much less likely to divorce, too.
TL;DR: If it was good enough for the 44th President of the United States & Leader of the Free World, it should be good enough for you too, fellas. Choose wisely!"
Any questions?
My name is Mumia Obsidian Ali, and I approved this message!
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