5:27 AM 11/18/2023 Sat
"I don't care about height. You'd think a fun-sized man would carry himself with a bit of humility. FALSE! They're worse than average height men. AND don't let them have an "impressive" pedigree. Now you're out with an asshole who can't reach the top shelf.".
-Kimberly Nicole Foster, Twitter (Before the "X"), Nov 16, 2019.
Longtime listeners of my daily talk radio show on YouTube will kindly recall a live show I did featuring one Ms. Evette Dionne, proud Modern Black Feminist and "body positivity activist". The full live show is over on my Patreon, but for those who want to catch the highlights, you can find it under the title "Plus Sized Body Positivity Activist Says She Won't Eff Fat Men - SMH"(1), where I read directly from a Nov 29, 2022 Time magazine website article written by Ms. Dionne's own hand, "The Messed-Up Reason I Couldn't Date a Fellow Fat Person"(2). In it, she plainly details her hypocrisy as a full figured, plus sized Black woman, who simply couldn't bring herself to do the nasty with her assortative mating equal - a fat Black guy. This, despite the fact that Ms. Dionne has absolutely no qualms - and with a straight face - in banging the woke drum for how and why everyone else in American life should be more accomodating of her - which of course would include, the best of Black men.
Indeed, a big part of my work is in documenting and detailing the routine and rank hypocrisy of Modern Black Feminists, which I am very happy to say is not only very easy, but my listening audience finds to be very entertaining - some of my greatest hits have been podcasting gems of my dunking on the lovely ladies - just search my channel using the word "plus", sit back and enjoy. Admittedly, it's not very hard to do; Modern Black Feminists don't seem to be bothered too much by their forked-tongued natures, of talking out of both sides of their rather loud mouths - hence the reason why I am never at a loss for any material catching these lovely ladies cold busted.
That brings us to yet another de facto chapter of not one, but two books in the works - one on Modern Black Feminism itself, and the other on the matter of Heightism in 21st century Black American dating and mating. In one fell swoop my opponent here has given me a gem for both. As you can see, this tweet by Ms. Modern Black Feminist, made five years ago because the Internet is Forever & Ever, clearly shows you how oh so "progressive" she truly is. Proud red pillers like yours truly have long known to never listen to what the lovely ladies say but to watch what they do - and what do we have here, but more evidence of the sheer hubris and hypocrisy of the social justice warriors of da communitah. Like her plus sized sistas, my interlocutor in cowardly absentia has no qualms about whining and moaning about "beauty standards, hierarchies of desirability, and the politics of aesthetics", while in the very same breath breaking on brothers for merely existing and having the unmitigated gall not to apologize for it. Oh, and Gawd forbid that they're actually good at something and rightly have a hard earned sense of healthy self-esteem for themselves! Oh, the horror!
But you see - and as I've demonstrated in full above - equal parts flagrant hypocrisy and an astonishing lack of self-awareness is all par for the course with Modern Black Feminists - take one Ms. Feminista Jones, for example. The six-foot tall amazon has been well known to be out here banging that same woke drum in the cause of self-serving "body positivity"(3) for larger than life ladies such as herself, but that didn't stop her from short-shaming the legendary Spike Lee at an event here in Philly a few years back (indeed, only MONTHS before the incriminatingly bigoted tweet was made by my opponent here - oh, the irony!).(4) We're talking Spike Lee here - Mr. "Five for Five" himself(5) - being demeaned and ranked on by a glorified social worker who's claim to fame is by getting on because she couldn't back away from the table to the point of having to go under the knife to sort it out? Are you kidding me?
We can only imagine the grief the great cinematic genius Martin Scorsese would have gotten from the lovely ladies of our communitah had he been born a Black man, at 5'4"(!) - after all, you're hard pressed to find sistas out there pining away for Kevin Hart, who is the same height and worth, last time I checked, about half a billion dollars.(6)
As my interlocutor bears out, and as the theme of these posts-turned de facto chapters in my upcoming books repeatedly proves, there is a Grand Canyon's worth of difference between all of the pie in the sky "theories" of Modern Black Feminism, and the REALITIES of Modern Black Feminism. All of that "progressive" mumbo jumbo starts and starts with these lovely ladies THEMSELVES, and ends when it comes time to actually apply it in their OWN LIVES. They reserve the right to be small minded and petty, while imposing their "wokeness" onto everyone else - again, with a straight face.
But since I proudly represent for the Short Kings out there, please allow me to enlighten Ms. Modern Black Feminist here of the facts obtaining about Heightism against (Black) men, so she can actually learn something:
1. First off, and as we saw in the lead off tweet above, my opponent alluded to the so-called "Napoleon Complex" - the idea that shorter guys are loud, aggressive, angry and so on - something that has been thoroughly discredited as anything "scientific" whatsoever. In fact, it gets its name not from science, but from wartime propaganda - Britain cooked up the idea of Napoleon Bonaparte as being diminutive to diminish his stature and importance.(7) In truth, Napoleon was slightly taller than the average man in Western Europe and France in particular, at 5'6" - the same height, it turns out, as Spike Lee today, and the rank and file Black man on the African continent. Could that be a reason why American sistas don't go there very often? Things that make you go, "Hmmm..." indeed.
2. As noted above and I will reiterate here, the global average height of men today is 5'6" - and for Black men in Africa, this is indeed the average height.
3. Shorter men cheat less, make more than their (female) mates and spouses, and help out more around the house, than their taller bros - all well documented in BOTH of my books, by the way. I sent them both to my opponent months ago, but as the old adage goes, "if you want to keep something from a Black person, put it in a book" - and we can include those who went to Harvard now, too.(8)
4. King David, Alexander the Great, the aforementioned Napoleon Bonaparte, James Madison, Ulysses S. Grant, and many, many other major historical male figures - many of them being military leaders and/or statesmen - would be considered "short" today. Not that the lovely ladies like my opponent here gives a damn about any of that. (Told ya Ms. Modern Black Feminist doesn't know squat about military history! Ha!)
5. A University of Chicago study proved that shorter statured men had to make substantially more money to get the same or similar consideration from women on the open mating market, so strong is their bigotry and heightism against shorter men - and if you want to know what that number is, try $175K USD a year, on average - so much for the "progressive values" of the lovely ladies, right?(9)
I could go on, but I'll stop here. And, lest anyone gets the idea that I'm knocking the ladies' right to their personal preferences in mates, please allow me to be crystal clear on the matter: Nothing could be further from the truth. Not only do I respect the right of any woman to hold her preferences in a man but I also vigorously defend their right to publicly espouse them. Neither contradicts the point of today's post - quite the contrary, today's post is to do one thing and one thing alone: To detail and document the routine, hubristic hypocrisy of those who on one hand lament the "unfairness" of "beauty standards" along a "patriarchal axis" and on the other, to aggregate to themselves the right to bang on men THEY don't want, in favor of the very "conventional" beauty/desirability "standards" they fight against. Hence, we see at the last, what is really and truly going on here:
We are dealing with a cadre of Black women who got the Dead Man's Hand equivalent of the genetic draw and instead of coping with it as best they can and making the best of said hand in stoic fashion and quiet dignity that is the true hallmark of a lady, they wants= to whine and moan about it instead, hoping to shame, guilt or simply bully everyone else - and especially those Masters of the Universe Brothers - into accepting them, while at the same time dumping on men THEY don't want. It's a classic case of "Beauty Standards for Thee, But Not for Me" - and I am merely calling them out on it.
Modern Black Feminists aren't about fairness, justice or anything righteous in the least; they are about power grabs and largesse for themselves, period point blank.
The least they could do is be honest about it. Oh, and you're welcome.
My name is Mumia Obsidian Ali, and I approved this message!
1. "Plus Sized Body Positivity Activist Says She Won't Eff Fat Men - SMH", https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANoFHkHWrQc&t=196s
2. "The Messed-Up Reason I Couldn't Date a Fellow Fat Person", https://time.com/6234192/fatphobia-dating-weightless-evette-dionne/
3. "Music’s Big Fat Lie", https://medium.com/@FeministaJones/musics-big-fat-lie-6de71f0e09b9
4. "Feminista Jones: A Retrospective", https://medium.com/tbmj/feminista-jones-a-retrospective-8288c4b8518a
5. "Five for Five: The Films of Spike Lee", https://www.amazon.com/Five-Films-Spike-Lee/dp/1556702175
6. "10 richest comedians of 2022 – net worths, ranked: from Adam Sandler’s lucrative Netflix deal and Kevin Hart’s Jumanji fortune, to Eddie Murphy’s on-screen power and Mr Bean’s BMWs" https://www.scmp.com/magazines/style/celebrity/article/3185138/10-richest-comedians-2022-net-worths-ranked-adam-sandlers
7. "Was Napoleon Short? Origins of the ‘Napoleon Complex’", https://www.history.com/news/napoleon-complex-short
8. "The Book of Obsidian: The Ladies Edition" https://www.amazon.com/Book-Obsidian-Ladies-Mumia-Ali/dp/1667835807/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
9. "Short kings, rise and grind: Study says 5'6" men need to earn $175,000 more a year to be as desirable as 6’ men" https://news.yahoo.com/short-kings-rise-grind-study-225908780.html
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