5:17 AM 10/26/2023 Thu
NOTE: This is in response to the YouTube video, "Brittany Renner's New Grift and the Lies We Tell Single Women", Jan 13, 2023: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJk3SdWy-lk
The famed American journalist, contrarian and incorrigibly irascible H.L. Mencken once said that "A misogynist is a man who hates women as much as women hate one another" - and, try as many might in the years following his death in 1956, there is scant evidence that Mencken told any lies. Mencken's heyday was the era of the OG (White) Feminist movement, coming along at about the same time as World War I, where White women won the right to vote, and enjoyed their first Sexual Revolution in the "Roaring Twenties" that followed. Modern Black Feminism as we know it today, was another eight decades out into the future. But Mencken knew the Female Mind very well and has, like so many things he opined about, proven to be quite true. I don't know about anyone else, but I just can't help but chuckle at the irony anytime I hear, see or read about a Modern Black Feminist accusing a brother of "misogynoir" when, more often than not, they themselves have been hating on Black women for a good long minute. If Black Manospherians like me supposedly "hate" Black women, my retort to that, based on the wise words of Mencken and turning to my opponent, is that "game recognize game". LOL.
A solid case in point - among a great many that we'll be reviewing in today's post - comes in the form of one Ms. Brittany Renner, the Instagram model fixture.(1) A graduate of Jackson State University with a degree in communications and a college athlete, Renner got her start to internet stardom by first trying her hand at being a fitness model but found the field a bit too crowded to stand out. So, she leveraged her beauty to become the 21st century social media equivalent of the pin-up girls Mencken and men of his generation would have known well during the War Years. Boosted by World Star Hip Hop and catching on like wildfire, Renner would go on to amass millions of followers, make a name for herself and eventually pen a tell-all book in true Anais Nin fashion, detailing her bedroom exploits with famous and notable High Value Black Men.(2) Renner wanted to "tell her truth", take ownership of her body and her sexuality, and was in her own way bucking against the trends of a regressive patriarchy - all things that Modern Black Feminists like my opponent claim to be all about - right?
Well, yea and no. You see, one of the unwritten rules of Modern Black Feminism is that you as a Black woman have to be in lockstep with the Modern Black Feminist High Command at all times - and the minute you go off the reservation, you become an Enemy of the Modern Black Feminist State. What was Renner's cardinal sin, you might ask? She dared to agree with the commonsense notion that if you want to appeal to the better off men of Black America, it would help if you put your best foot forward - and that need not look like a hoof. Renner's advice to the ladies - again, as a college athlete and fitness model - was to workout three times a week. That's. It. No requests to grovel at a man's feet on their knees. No demands that the lovely ladies had to wait on a man hand and foot. No suggestions of flying off to Mexico or Instanbul to get a BBL. Just simply hit the gym three. Times. A. Week.
But, you see, ANY form of doing ANYTHING for ANY Black man, no matter how good looking, accomplished, wealthy or famous he may be, is tantamount to blasphemy & treason to Modern Black Feminists like my interlocutor - recall my previous post where I documented how giddy my opponent was at "Auntie Jada" Pinkett Smith out here acting a fool and how so very important it was for Black women not to care what the men in their lives thought of what they did or how they conducted themselves, again, no matter how good looking or accomplished.(3) Indeed, my opponent accused Renner of being a "grifter", and doing little more than pandering to the "Red Pillers" and the "Manosphere" and wound up her video rant by delivering the ultimate coup de grace diss: By calling Renner a "PickMe".
All for merely suggesting to the lovely ladies that being the best version of yourself ups your chances of actually, you know, getting picked. Wow. Just...wow.
But taking digs at other Black women who are actually living out the grand designs of Modern Black Feminism itself is nothing new to my interlocutor; indeed, The Daily Beast details her travails of running afoul of the Queen of Hip Hop's Nicki Minaj's "Barbz" because my opponent criticized for being "a horrible person" and how "Negativity sticks like glue" to Minaj - which prompted Minaj's followers to give my opponent a piece of their own mind in response.(4) The article goes on to report that my opponent was moving to put multiple cases on Minaj's followers, whom she claims were "harassing" her and making various kinds of threats last year. We don't exactly know how those supposed lawsuits turned out, but what we do know is that there's definitely something to what Mencken said - after all and contrary to conventional wisdom, it's actually women and girls who harass each other online more than men and boys harassing women and girls - which was clearly the case here with my opponent.(5) In any event, how any ardent, "defender of the faith" Modern Black Feminists like my interlocutor, could even fix their mouths to utter a bad word about someone who is the very embodiment of Modern Black Feminism in Nicki Minaj, just boggles the mind.
Talk about killing the goose that laid the golden egg. Whew.
It certainly didn't help that both Renner and Minaj actually did what so many intrepid (I kid!) Modern Black Feminists couldn't find the backbone to do, which was to have a sit down chat with the late great "Saint Kevin" Samuels. Though my interlocutor may be loathe to publicly admit it, the truth of the matter is that both ladies committed the unforgivable sin of actually talking to one of the biggest names out of the Black Manosphere - don't they know that they are fraternizing with the enemy? How dare they?
This sort of thing is par for the course when it comes to Modern Black Feminism; another case in point, just while Googling about for today's post, comes in the form of an article posted on the Al-Jazeera website: "For a Black feminist, supporting Harris unequivocally is not easy".(6) The author, a Modern Black Feminist from South Africa, criticizes current Vice-President Kamala Harris for not being Modern, Black or Feminist enough(WTF?!?). See for yourself:
"At the surface, the nomination is honourable and a symbolic framework from which we can build our own potential. However, amid global efforts to organise against white supremacy, state-sanctioned violence, and patriarchy, it is important to confront the complicated contradictions in Harris’s public service record head-on. Not doing so would do a disservice to those who are still suffering as a result of the policies she pursued during her career as a “progressive prosecutor”."
There's more:
"Accountability, abolition and abrogation are important tenets of Black feminism in a world where Black bodies are disposable to the justice system. It would be dishonest to celebrate Harris’s nomination as a “Black history” moment without reckoning with how she has supported policies that have contributed to a broken criminal justice system that predominantly targets Black men and women."
The article goes on to lay out the case against Harris, who prior to becoming the second most powerful person in the American government, made her bones as a California prosecutor. That she made countless Black lives safer by putting other Black bad actors behind bars where they belonged, isn't the right kind of narrative the Modern Black Feminist wants told, you see. So, she too isn't Modern, Black or Feminist, enough.
And the list of Modern Black Feminist potshot-taking at other Black women who just happen to make choices the former don't agree with continues. If you find yourself with a bit of time to burn, I invite you to spend an hour or two on "Shea Butter Twitter" for example and watch the Modern Black Feminist bloodletting for yourself, Sista on Sista. Or, checkout the notorious gossip website Lipstick Alley to see the latest in the Modern Black Feminism Wars.
As I said, the irony of Mencken's quote by now should not be lost on anyone reading this, least of all because what he said was oh so right; but perhaps another major irony here is that Feminism, in whatever guise it comes, was supposed about giving all women choice in how they order their lives. Clearly, Modern Black Feminists like my opponent, doesn't agree; and they won't hesitate to tear down any Black woman who dares to think for themselves.
My opponent will try to weave a narrative about Black men at large and the Black Manosphere in particular of bullying Black women; it's old hat for me, having been accused of this numerous times over the years. But the charges never stick, because good people with good commonsense know who the actual bullies of Black women are...
And it ain't the Black Manosphere or indeed, Black men in general. It's Modern Black Feminists.
Like my opponent.
My name is Mumia Obsidian Ali, and I approved this message!
1. "Brittany Renner Wikibiography" https://wikibiography.in/brittany-renner-wiki-bio/
2. Brittany Renner's "Judge This Cover" Book https://www.amazon.com/Judge-This-Cover-Brittany-Renner/dp/069215650X
3. "WHAT DO MODERN FEMINISTS, JADA PINKETT SMITH, & "THE POLITICS OF RESPECTABILITY" HAVE IN COMMON?" https://black-manosphere.org/blogs/news/what-do-modern-feminists-jada-pinkett-smith-the-politics-of-respectability-have-in-common
4. "Nicki Minaj’s ‘Barbz’ Came for This YouTuber. So She’s Suing Them." https://www.thedailybeast.com/nicki-minaj-fans-came-for-youtuber-kimberly-nicole-foster-so-shes-suing-them
5. "11 FACTS ABOUT CYBERBULLYING" https://www.dosomething.org/us/facts/11-facts-about-cyber-bullying
6. "For a Black feminist, supporting Harris unequivocally is not easy" https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2020/9/13/for-a-black-feminist-supporting-harris-unequivocally-is-not-easy

Oct 26
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