Black Manosphere Man

Black Manosphere Man

Black Manosphere

Regular price $100.00 USD
Sale price $100.00 USD Regular price $120.00 USD
Unit price per

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This membership level is available to all men who practice and believe in the principals, ideologies and tenets of the Black Manosphere. This is for Men who are awaken to the nature of Men and Woman and is currently well aware of the insurmountable power that Black Men hold today and is interested in educating, connecting with, and ensuring Black Men lead.

  • Members get access to our private Members Panel page.
  • Members get access to the chat groups in our private WhatsApp community.
  • Members are given access to listen in on our private MEMBERS MEETING Zoom calls. These monthly group calls are designed to answer pressing questions you may have and help shape the lives of all our members.


The Content Creator is a brother who spreads awareness and distributes information on the greatness of Black Men using his social media and/or commercial platform(s). This member is given the same considerations as a regular member, but for his support, he receives additional concessions...

  • Content Creators are given access to listen in on our private MEMBERS MEETING Zoom calls. These monthly group calls are designed to answer pressing questions you may have and help shape the lives of all our members.
  • Content Creators will also receive additional marketing and promotion perks to assist him in his platform(s) exposure to the world using our channels.
  • Content Creators also get access to the Content Creator group in our private WhatsApp community.
  • Content Creators will also receive 50% off all eBooks located in our "books" library.
  • Content Creators will also receive 50% off all eCourses and Video Recaps located in our "watch & learn" library.


This member is given the same considerations as a Content Creator, but for his support, he receives additional concessions...

  • High Value members are given Panelist Privilege to 🗣️ speak during our private MEMBERS MEETING Zoom calls. These monthly group calls are designed to answer pressing questions you may have and help shape the lives of all our members.
  • High Value members  also get access to the High Value group in our private WhatsApp community
  • All previous year High Value members in good standing will also receive 50% off the registration fees for the next year Conclave pass. This includes any early bird discounts.